
So far there isn't too much to add here, but this felt like a nice place to keep track fo any and all (Minecraft) coding things. And no, I cannot be commissioned. I just dabble around with this when I feel like and for fun.

Help Santa Minecraft Map

Small Minecraft puzzle map where the player needs to find all items and hints to be able to give the right child the right present. This was actally the first time I tried making a map, and as such it's pretty simple. But I managed to keep my friends busy for anywhere between 15 to 65 minutes.


AltOrigins is an Origins datapack with some homebrewed origins. This included a small dwarf that had extra drops when mining ores, a piglin who could eat gold, and a phoenix who could lava mlg, among some others. Right now this datapack is not available to the public, but I'm planning to make it available here, since it's kind of sad to just let it catch dust on my virtual shelf.

5up Birthday Game

For Twitch streamer 5up's 22nd birthday, his community came together and built a game for him to play over the course of a month. AsĀ  a project lead and a one of two coders for the project, this is still something I'm pretty proud of. Did I mention I hadn't coded in C# or Unity before starting this?